The e-admit cards for UPSC CDS II Examination 2014 have been released and can be downloaded from there. The official website where the admit cards/hall tickets are available for downloading is:
There are three options available for fetching the admit cards: by registration ID, by roll number and by name. Candidates can select either of the options to avail the admit cards.
On choosing 'Registration ID' option: Candidates will have to insert 11 digit registration ID, date of birth and captcha code.
On choosing 'Roll number' option: Candidates will have to insert 6 digit roll number, date of birth and captcha code.
On choosing 'name' option: Candidates will have to insert their name, father's name, date of birth and captcha code.
On choosing 'Roll number' option: Candidates will have to insert 6 digit roll number, date of birth and captcha code.
On choosing 'name' option: Candidates will have to insert their name, father's name, date of birth and captcha code.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is conducting a competitive exam, 'Combined Defence Services (CDS) Exam II for short-listing candidates at various posts in the departments such as Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers Training Academy.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performances in the written test to be followed by an interview.
Details of the written exam:
For admissions to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy:
Subject: Marks: Duration
English: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
General Knowledge: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
Elementary Mathematics: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
For admissions to Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Air Force Academy:
Subject: Marks: Duration
English: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
General Knowledge: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
Elementary Mathematics: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
For admissions to Officers Training Academy:
Subject: Marks: Duration
English: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
General Knowledge: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
Subject: Marks: Duration
English: 100 Marks: 2 hrs
General Knowledge: 100 Marks: 2 hrs

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